Cleaning Brushes 101

May 20, 2014

The worst task of being a beauty lover? Cleaning brushes. You should be spot cleaning after like every use... I don't. And you should be deep cleaning once a week... I don't. I generally push my deep cleaning to once every fortnight or longer. I know that is terrible but I have in total close to 70 brushes, so I'm pretty safe and can generally use new brushes every day anyway!

I've had multiple request how I clean my brushes so I thought why not, a brush pictorial for you!

You can use a whole range of things to clean your brushes. I've used a whole bunch. You can use a professional brush cleaner something from MAC (too expensive), detergent and olive oil on a plate (I hate the thought of eating off a plate I clean my brushes on) or my personal favourites - baby shampoo or the Daiso detergent! I've run completely dry of my baby shampoo and to be honest, I have been leaning more towards my Daiso detergent. 

Look at how ranky rank this Sigma F86 is!

Step 1: Completely soak the brush head under slightly warm water - do not get it above the ferrule as this may loosen the glue and wreck your brush. Ain't nobody got time for wasting money like dat!

Step 2: Dollop a small amount of the detergent (about the size of a 10c coin or smaller) into the palm of your hand and run the dirty brush back and forth through the detergent and also over the ridges of your fingers. This gives it friction and allows for a deeper clean.

You should get a whole lot of nasty gunk dripping off your hand and the brush. 

 Step 3: Run the brush through some water, again going back and forth over your hand. This will throughly clean the brush from any remaining soap. The water running out from the brush should be clear, if not repeat the steps again for a second round of cleaning.

Step 4: Finally let your brushes air dry. I use a Benjabelle tree to dry mine upside down. To avoid the loosening of glue etc, don't dry your brushes upright. Try and dry them upside down or horizontal. While the brushes are still wet, I like to mould the bristles into the shape they originally were. You can use brush guards as well to help this moulding.
Even if you are in a rush, don't use anything like a hair dryer to dry your brushes. The heat may be really harsh on the bristles and make them fray etc.

Final Result
A nice clean brush! (Don't mind the yellow tinge to it, it's the lighting from my window... I promise you it is clean!)

Hope this was useful to some of you! Remember, clean brushes prevent the spread of bacteria and if you have breakouts this is definitely important.

Jacquelyn xx

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  1. cool, must give this a go! <3mishmsxo

  2. Great post :) I'm now following you :)

  3. Awesome post!!! I really need a Benjabelle brush tree! I use the Daiso detergent as well x

    Sarah | Bows & Pleats
