Face of Australia - Eye Primer

April 23, 2014

Now I picked this up months and months ago, but I've only just started using it and I've finally hit pan on the product. This was one of the first eye primers I saw in Australian drugstores, so I couldn't resist purchasing it and by an Australian brand... even better.

The packaging of the product is fantastic. A sleek little compact with a clear lid to see the product. Very sturdy, very easy. Not complicated, just simple and practical. Love it. It isn't bulky in the slightest like other companies who choose to overcomplicate packaging! The product comes in two different finishes; matte and shimmer. I picked up the matte version because I'm not too fond of the whole glittery eye primers.

The texture of the product is very thick and creamy. When I say very... I mean very. It also works well at completely covering veins and discolouration on the eyelids. It has a white cast so when you apply the shadows they show their true colour - similar to what the NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil in Milk does. It has taken me so long on consistent use to hit pan so I think this bad boy with last for the longest time and at $7.95 this doesn't break the bank. 

Now the bad stuff. The above photo was literally taken about 5 minutes after application. Don't mind my lack of makeup... and eyebrows. You can see the creases so clearly. I don't have extremely oily eyelids and generally I don't get creases until at least 4 hours into wear. To be fair, I didn't set it with anything... but still. I'm not so impressed with this one. There are better primers out there that don't crease within a couple minutes. It completely defeats the purpose of using a primer, you might as well go about without one.

What primer do you use? Have you used the Face of Australia one before, what did you think?


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  1. I've literally given up on eye primers and just stuck to quality eye shadows - mainly because I'm lazy! Eyeshadows crease on me all the time, I'd highly recommend those creaseless cream shadows :D

    LilynotLouise | Beauty and Food

    1. Generally my eyeshadow creasing isn't crazy bad...but this one didn't even make it until eyeshadow application time :/
      Oh well... I'll keep playing around with it and see if I can make it work!

  2. My eyelids are fairly oily and eyeshadow & foundation creases after a few hours too. This FOA one was a fail for me, but you HAVE to try the ELF eye primers, they are SO good!! No creasing to be seen after a whole day and evening of wear :)
