Primers on Rotation: Summer Edition

February 16, 2017

Primers are one of those makeup products where someone either loves them or hates them. I, for example, love them! My primer collection is absurd and is forever growing in my quest for my HG foundation primer. 

With these hot months upon on, I've been reaching for more lightweight, refreshing and hydrating primers. If you would like to see my current Top 4 primers on rotation the last couple months, keep reading!

First up is the Max Factor Face Finity All Day Primer*, a staple in my collection since it was released. I really enjoy the texture of this primer on my skin and can really see and feel a difference in my skin texture and smoothness using this primer. It also has SPF 20 which is key for the Summer months. I can honestly say this also does a fantastic job at lasting the whole day!

A surprising feature in my primer rotation is the new-ish Avon Luxe Face Primer* which I actually think is quite similar to the Max Factor just a touch thicker in consistency. This primer also does a wonderful job of smoothing my face but without leaving a silicone feel like pore-filling primers do. This is also super hydrating on the skin leaving it soft and plump.

I've had the Smashbox Primer Water for quite a number of months and I LOVE it. Especially on these super hot days (hello past heat wave weekend!) when you don't want to lather on a creamy primer, a couple refreshing spritz of this baby and you are done. While I don't think it is does too much to extend the life of my foundation, I love the ease of it.

The final primer in my rotation is the Benefit Porefessional Matte Rescue* which is the oily skin version of their best seller Porefessional silicone primer which works at filling in pores. Whilst I love the original formula, I find it way too thick and heavy for a Summer Day. The Matte Rescue formula is a gel consistency and feels so good and cooling! It doesn't seem to fill in pores, but I apply it onto my T-Zone to stop an oil breakthrough during the day.
What are your top primers for the Summer time? Let me know in the comments below!

Till next time...

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  1. Oh I haven't tried the new Porefessional one!! But it sounds great! I agree with on on the original, best for more cooler months!! I absolutely love the Becca Backlight Primer!

    Mel xx || Loads of Lifestyle

    1. You should totally try it! It feels so refreshing and cooling.

      I've got the Becca one but I haven't tried it yet! WOOPS :D

  2. Oooh the Benefit one is going onto my wishlist!

    x Tash /

  3. I haven't tried any of these, but I have tried Benefit Porefessional the original! It's quite good :)

    Maddie |
